Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Can Faith Prove the Cycles of the Universe? Oh, and Shine so People Need to Squint, ok?

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Yesterday, I was talking with an amazing friend of mine who is also a jewelry maker/marine biologist. I know, right? She is fantastically & totally awesome! We were enjoying our chatting (as most women are prone to do when they haven't seen each other in way too long).  It didn't take long for those big-all-encompasing-life questions to come struttin' in...

At one point we were throwing the idea of faith around. How do we gain it? Where do we find it? Why do we have it, and what do we put it in? 

Well, this morning as I jolted awake at 5:30, I rolled around thinking "why? 5:30, brain... really?" and then sighed as I gazed out the window and I heard a birds wings. As it flew closer and closer to my window, the sea gull decided to turn his path higher, and not crash my early morning party.

Looking out the window, I thought I had never seen anything else so still ever. Had the seagull not flown by, I would have thought someone had placed a phony picture in front of my window. (It's probably this still every morning, but it's amazing to a girl who usually isn't up at that hour.) Only three little leaves even dared to wiggle at the tippy top of the tree.  As I sat there watching the incredible stillness, I thought of something.

Ah, ha! 

There is not a thing in this world that is not a cycle. This is why we can have faith. 

This thought went down like this in my mind: 
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  • We all die. Ok, yes, but herein lies the initial questions of faith.
  • It's all a cycle-----this is the way to have faith, huh? 
  • Yes, your day to day is a cycle. 
  • The sun cycles
  • Our bodies cycle
  • Our sleep
  • Eating
  • In general all bodily functions cycle
  • Water
  • Plants, animals, chemicals, all of it! 
  • Earth; as in the dirt itself-cycles
  • Babies are born and we get old
  • Mountains are built & slowly destroyed
  • Weather moves
  • Circuits move cyclically
  • The Earth turns & perhaps this is what creates all the cycles-the earth turning and the sun shining.

It is a grand cyclical orchestra! There isn't anything that doesn't connect its end in someway to its beginning. This is one way to trust in your own self. I think of it this way as part of my understanding of life. 

Doubts and questions are always there though, right? 

But how do we know? How can we know for sure?

For me, it is all about the unknown. 

We can learn and read and do math (sort of, in my case...). We can imitate and grow our skills so we come to master one particular thing. But, there are just somethings that we know at a different level. This level is separate from our thinking mind.

It's those inklings in our hearts and bellies. Goose bumps that tell us something seemingly beyond our normal scope of knowledge. This is not our mind but our spirit telling us something. The mind learns and the spirit knows. 

And, It is not just my spiritual mind going all woo-woo crazy here, think about it; 
"I THINK THEREFORE I AM." know it's not, say, I poop therefore I am... no, that is quite clearly unromantic about the cycles of life. BUT, the fact that when we are born we are given a body, a mind, and a spirit, is part of the miracle.

We are quite balanced beings. We don't all just run around with no love and no one else in mind, we're not all ego maniacs after all and there is a reason! Our spirit! Our heart!

 When we have finished our time here, all of these things must also move on. The cycles again, see? Our body follows much the same cycle as many other things of flesh and bone; but what about the mind, and spirit?

 I don't really think they can decompose.

Well, if I had to say one or another thing happened, I would guess that our spirits recycle! I love the three R's so why not use a environmental reference; let's say that maybe the issue of our soul is more in the second R category: REUSE! 

If the whole of our world functions on cycles, which means that "nothing is ever created or destroyed", just altered and changed, then indeed our spirit must work in a similar way. All that energy must manifest into something, as energy must go somewhere or transfer to another thing somehow. In fact, it might seem kind of scientific. 
Rebirth, might be on the right track to define it, but I don't think it necessarily matters what we call it. The fact that we all have innate knowledge in our being means that we are living not just with minds, but spirit. And that spirit, like all other things on this planet must cycle. And in this I have faith.

Even when we don't understand, we must come to trust and put faith into our spirit just because we are alive... This has been something I have believed for a long time and haven't been able to articulate. Being able to put it into terms my brain can understand kinda makes the ego say, "alright, alright, I give... a little." (We do need our ego, we just don't need it to rule us.)

Ah, ha! But, the beauty of all of it? We have the mind power to connect the dots; the spirit guides us and the mind provides us with a world of freedom if we choose to allow the ego to fade away more and more. Give way to the subconscious as a guide for our true selves!! Wooohooo!!!, ok, enough of that for 6:10am! 

Long story short, you are loved, so be loved, and love back, because were all on the cycle and while physicality is rather stuck in this cyclical pattern, our mind and our spirit are full of infinite potential, in all infinite direction! Woohoo! Talk about starting the day right!  Welcome to your faith. Believe what you believe, deep in your heart. That is your truth. <3 ahhhhh.


My truth is finding the beauty that resides in every heart I meet.

 The suns rays are making their way onto my pillow now, and I hope that today, you shine so radiantly that people might need to squint a little to get near you. In the good kind of way.

Yeah, you're that sparkly.

Be Yourself!
      Erin of GrundyLüks*


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