Sunday, February 5, 2012

What a weekend..

New Hampshire Weekend

Leaving my creations and sewing home, I hopped into the car, took a deep breath, and allowed whatever was to be, to be.  Being able to let go of things that feel like they "need to get done" does feel good, although it may feel challenging. I usually think of every moment as an opportunity, and thats not untrue. It is very true that every moment has opportunity, but every moment does not need to contain so much juice of life that you're dry by noon.

I took some time to just sit, read a magazine, take a cat nap in the sun that shines in through the frost covered windows, glistening on my face. I know when the wind blows because I feel the shadows move from my eye past my ear, and down my neck.  I know when the wind abides, for the branches cast the shadow that bounces back to my eye. I appreciate these simple moments for all the beauty and opportunity they give. However simple, however complex, its not what is in the moment, it is in how you are being in the moment. That is why "new" and "change" are so important. We feel comfortable and accustomed to things we do everyday, and we know "how those actions are supposed to feel." If we are never present in the moments of our lives that seem to feel normal, we never experience the true opportunities that reside in those moments. For the truth is, we are the variable. The actions do remain the same, but every time we approach that familiar action, the "we" has changed. We bring the new thing. We are the change.

Snowshoeing with the Pup, and taking some time to walk in the woods. Smelling the clean air and watching paw prints from rabbits who hopped into the brush. I feel so at home here in nature and just being, just breathing. Leaving things behind to be done another day feels good. Yoga by the porch feels good. Laying with my feet up the wall, reversing the normal flow of blood feels refreshing. And staying in bed till 11:30 feels even better. =]

Keep searching for that.


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